Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0 VS Web 4.0 VS Web 5.0 – Find Evolution Of The World Wide Web

In the 90s in the 1990s, in the 1990s, World Wide Web underwent a massive change. A static website has changed into an experience that is both enthralling and sophisticated.There have been significant shifts in the use of technology and the web throughout several generations, beginning at Web 1.0 and concluding at Web 5.0.Pages that were read-only were accessible on Web 1.0 and social networks and user-generated content was available via Web 2.0. Data interoperability as well as semantic integration are implemented as part of Web 3.0. An interface that resembles human beings is the aim for Web 5.0.Changes in…

by jaymeoliveira7
26 de novembro de 2023
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